Parent Update August 26th


August 26, 2022

Dear CUSD 201 Families,

In our first full week of school, there have been a few positive cases in the District. Manning had four positive cases, and Miller had three cases.

The CUSD 201 Board of Education is seeking community input into the superintendent selection process. There are three opportunities to provide feedback. A representative from the Illinois Association of School Boards will facilitate each meeting. 

The same questions will be asked at each focus group. You only need to attend one session.

8/31 at 5:30 at Westmont High School (Before the high school open house)
9/1 at 5:00 at Manning (Before the Manning open house)
9/7 at 6:30 at Westmont High School

The District will be providing free COVID-19 testing every Monday. The testing is optional. Please use this link (CUSD 201 COVID-19 testing) if you wish to enroll your child for testing.

DuPage County is at a medium transmission level (DCHD COVID-19 Dashboard). The District no longer requires students to wear masks indoors. Students have the option to wear a mask.

CUSD 201 has updated its COVID-19 protocols based on the guidance from the CDC, IDPH, and DCHD. 

The IDPH has updated the school decisions making tree to help schools to know when to exclude students (School Decision Tree).

You can review the protocols on our website or use this link (CUSD 201 COVID-19 Protocols).


Parents should keep children with COVID-19 symptoms at home. 

The District will be following the CDC Guidance for Schools. Students who test positive for COVID-19 will need to quarantine for five days. A student can return to school on the sixth day but will be required to wear a mask until day ten.

Please remember that this is a very fluid situation. The CDC may update its guidelines throughout the year. As the CDC changes its guidance, the District will adapt ours.

National School Lunch Program

The National School Lunch Program is not operating under an emergency order. Only students who qualify are eligible for a free breakfast and lunch regardless of income level.

Thank you for your continued support of CUSD 201.

Take care,

Kevin Carey
CUSD 201