Superintendent's Message

Dear CUSD 201 Families:

I want to thank you all for your unwavering support and dedication to our CUSD 201 school community. We will continue our pursuit of excellence: academically, socially, and emotionally.  We remain committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and high expectations environment for all.   

We need your partnership so our students will have the best education possible.  Please help us accomplish our goals by doing the following:

  • Send your child to school.  It is our goal for students to miss no more than 5 days this school year.  Our attendance slogan is Attendance Matters: No More Than Five.
  • Have your children read 20 minutes or more at home every single day.  Use the hashtag, #cusd201reads, to promote the amazing reading you are doing at home.  Click here for a brief video, and here to see some statistics.
  • Have a positive attitude about mathematics and support your child with their homework.

Your partnership with Westmont CUSD 201 is invaluable to us.  Together, we will continue to provide the best education possible for our students where every child feels valued, respected, and loved.  I look forward to sharing in the remarkable achievements of our students and school community.  Together, we will make this year one filled with fun, wonderful memories, and success.  

Many districts talk about providing great education for all students.  In CUSD 201 we actually follow through and will achieve it; however, we need your partnership so our students can have the best education possible.  

Please watch this video to hear great news about all our schools. Superintendent's Vlog #3



Jack Baldermann

CUSD 201 Superintendent


Jack Baldermann


Superintendent Jack Baldermann's Vlog

Vlog #1

Vlog #2

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