Parent EDU
Planning for 2021
Elementary Parent and Community Listening Session
On Thursday, January 14th, the administration conducted the first Elementary Parent and Community Listening Session. This session is designed for administration to simply listen to the insights provided by stakeholders. Faciliated by Sandy Moller faciliated a workshop attended by over 30 parents, teachers, and administrators. She asked the attendees three important questions:
- What do you value in an elementary school?
- What do you need us to clarify about the elementary experience?
- What would hinder our progress toward improvement?
The next Elementary Parent and Community Listening Session is Thursday, January 21st.
Educators on the Edge Podcast
Leaders from the elementary schools in CUSD 201 met at Manning Elementary this week, but like many things in our world right now the meeting looks different. From different rooms in the school building, they recorded a podcast called “Educators on the Edge.” They began the podcast episode by acknowledging the current challenges of this school year (many parents and educators alike feel like we are “on the edge”). These educators are leaning into the vision re-imagining what elementary education looks like in a post-Covid world and beyond (standing on the edge we can often see new possibilities). The purpose of the podcast series is to communicate in this isolating time and build a strong vision of what excellence in elementary education looks like moving forward. Part of the conversation is asking questions about structure and the changes made in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic, while also focusing on the future. Tracy Billie, Elementary Instructional Coach, led the administrators in the conversation.

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