Elementary Task Force Questions and Answers
- Operate with the best interest of all students (current and future)
- Continued commitment to the District’s Dual Language program
- Continued participation in Wednesday’s Professional Learning Community (PLC)
- Sustainable, long term plan for elementary students
- Providing more effective and efficient educational systems, including core curriculum, interventions, enrichment, Special Education, English learners (EL), social-emotional learning (SEL) across all grade-level teams
- Implement systems with fidelity
- Students in the same grade level receive the same number of hours of PE each week.
- Students in the same grade level participate in the same curricular projects.
- Stability of staffing for the systems that can respond to fluctuating enrollments
- Students have access to dedicated to intervention/enrichment activities
- Students benefit from experienced and skilled teachers
- Teacher collaboration resulting in higher student achievement
- Students benefit from the ongoing exchange of ideas and discussion
- Students across the grade level have consistent learning experiences
- Distribution of resources equitably without the need to duplicate
- Investment in materials for students spread across multiple buildings
- Duplicate purchases of materials such as library books, leveled reading books, intervention programs, and other supplies
- Class sizes are distributed more evenly across the grade level and not dependent on the physical space in the building.
- Implement systems with fidelity
- Providing a learning environment where the social and emotional well-being of our students is of primary importance
- Providing students with the opportunities to develop relationships and friendships with a broader pool of peers
- Exposing students to a diverse range of opinions, thoughts, ideas, and cultural backgrounds
- Providing the ability to find the “best fit” classroom teacher
- Using and maintaining the physical space of the buildings effectively and efficiently
- Student enrollment fluctuations impact the needed classroom space
- The multi-purpose room that serves as both the gym and lunchroom impacts the schedule at Miller
- Aging buildings in need of significant renovations and repair
- Approximately $7-$10M for HVAC System for Manning (steam) and Miller (radiant heat)
- Resulting cosmetic upgrades as a with changes in HVAC system including wall repair, and carpet and flooring material upgrades
- Approximately $2-5M for domestic plumbing for Manning
- Resulting complete renovation to bathrooms including ADA compliance
- Approximately $7-$10M for HVAC System for Manning (steam) and Miller (radiant heat)
- The business office equitably distributes budgets on a per-pupil basis
- Title I distributes funds to schools with more than 30% of students who qualify for free/reduced meals. If the district has more than one school with the same grade-level configuration, the school with the highest low-income rate
- Title III funds distribute funds to the district to help English Learners attain English proficiency
- Parent-Teacher Organizations have their bylaws and fundraise in their unique ways. For example, the Manning PTO pays for one grade-level field trip each year, whereas Miller families pay all their field trip fees.
Total student enrollment dictates staffing allocations. The total student enrollment of a building is divided by the maximum classroom size guidelines. Within each building, the administration determines how to utilize the staff best to fit the needs of the population (class size, specials, interventionists, case managers, student services, etc.)
Our original poll to the parents/families with currently enrolled students asked for their top three priorities for their child’s education. A complete understanding of what different building configurations bring to a child’s education is necessary to make the survey accessible and objective to all families. When the Board decided to take a step back from long-term planning, we did not move forward with additional surveys to parents/community.
- Administration surveyed parents and the staff about what they want in an elementary school experience.
- School board asked for staff data about how the current grade level system was working and if staff felt GLC benefited the students.
Maximum occupancy of the buildings is forthcoming.
The district must redo the boundaries so that there would be two sections of each grade level at Miller. The re-established boundaries would need to guarantee enough students for two sections at Miller into the future.
Incoming DL Enrollment 2021-2022 |
Number of Students |
K* |
22 |
1 | 20 |
2 | 22 |
3 | 16 |
4 | 22 |
5 | 20 |
6 | 20 |
7 | 13 |
8 | 10 |
*10 incoming Kindergarten students are on the waiting list.
Dual language students that are in the typical Manning boundary is 33 out of 78 2-5th grade students.