Jennifer Burisek
6th Grade Literacy
I am honored to serve WJHS as a Literacy teacher and Outdoor Education Director. I am fortunate to have worked at WJHS for over twenty years. I began work in CUSD #201 as a substitute teacher and then aide in fifth grade at Manning School immediately following my graduation from EIU.
My passion for teaching and learning continues to drive my interest in educational research as well as teaching and learning. I feel like I learned too late how to learn, so I work to engage students in the metacognitive (metacognitive=thinking about thinking) processes of learning. My dissertation, an auto-ethnography (research where the self is analyzed and compared to an 'other'--in my case, a group of other teachers), encompassed elements of Literacy; both in product and process. Essentially, I used that research opportunity to document and analyze my journey into teaching. I'm grateful for the opportunity to pursue doctoral work as I was able to analyze my journey from South School (as a kindergartner) through CUSD#201 (WJHS, WHS) and back. My later research work includes teacher leadership, best practices in reading, and best practices in writing.
My professional memberships include the International Literacy Association (ILA), Illinois Reading Council/Prairie Area Reading Council, and the National Education Association/Illinois Education Association/Westmont Teachers' Association. Within the District, I work to accomplish District goals via the District Leadership Team. I serve on the Education and Awards Committee, a committee that is part of the Westmont Chamber of Commerce. I'm honored to be Co-First Vice-President of the Beta Phi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma (a society for key women educators) and serve on the state organization's Educational Excellence Committee.
Please continue to access Skyward for grades and messages. If your student has questions, please encourage him/her to speak to me during the school day. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to write a note on your student's agenda, call, or email me. Check out what's happening at WJHS via Twitter; @DocJLB, #wjhspantherpride.
Thanks for all you do to support your student's learning!
Degrees and Certifications:
- Type 75 General Administrative Certification, Aurora University, 2009
- Ed.D., Leadership in Curriculum and Instruction, Aurora University, 2003
- M.A., Curriculum and Instruction, National-Louis University, 2001
- B.A., English, Eastern Illinois University, 1997