School Wide Progressive Discipline Model at WJHS

Purpose and Overview

The purpose of implementing the School Wide Progressive Discipline Model (SWPDM) is to provide a standardized approach to office referrals in coordination with a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavior program (MTSS-B). 

-J.P. Frame

The WJHS Schoolwide Progressive Discipline Model intends to provide a common, consistent, and predictable way of responding to classroom-managed student behaviors in the learning environment. It is intended to be transparent for all stakeholders. The SWPDM also provides teachers opportunities to adopt the structure and implement it into the different content areas, remembering that students progress through a variety of environments throughout the school day. 

The staff at WJHS is committed to creating safe and engaging learning environments and building authentic relationships with students in order to help all students succeed. SWPD is rooted in the belief that students want to do well in the classroom, but they need to be taught how to perform to standard (Frame, 2015).


Step 1: 1:1 Conference with Student

Step 2: Form Letter Home to Parents

Step 3: Phone call to parents and lunch detention assigned by administration. 

Step 4: Phone call home to parents and after school detention assigned by administration.

Step 5: Phone call home to parents and two after school detentions assigned by administration.

Step 6: Referral to office and progressive discipline at the administrative level. 

The Steps

Step 1 - Conference with Student

For an initial incident of repeated, disruptive behaviors, a conference would take place between the teacher and the student. The purpose of the conference is to build a relationship between the student and the teacher, and to review the expectations of the classroom as they have been previously taught.

Step 1 provides opportunity for a positive conversation, and to remind the student of the impact disruptive behaviors can have on the rest of the class, as well as on themselves. 

Teacher and student initial the SWPD log and the teacher maintains a record of the conversation and behavior. 

Step 2 - Form Letter Sent Home to Parents

For a second offense in a classroom a form letter will be sent home to parents to notify them of a repeated concern developing. The purpose of the letter is to inform the parents that there are low level behaviors happening, that it is not a big deal yet, and we hope to remedy the behaviors before it becomes a more serious and disruptive issue. 

Teacher and student initial the SWPD log and the teacher maintains a record of the conversation and behavior. 

The parents will receive an email heads up that the letter is coming home, but it should be the responsibility of the student to engage in a conversation at home about what is going on in class. The letter should be signed and returned to school on the next attendance day. If the letter is not signed and returned on the next attendance day, the student will automatically move to Step 3. 

Step 3 - Phone Call Home by Teacher a One Lunch Detention

If behaviors consist beyond Step 2, or if the letter home to parents does not get returned to school on the next attendance day, the teacher will make a phone call to the parent to discuss the behaviors in class. The behavior gets entered into Skyward and administration will assign one lunch detention to the student. 

Teacher and student initial the SWPD log and the teacher maintains a record of the conversation and behavior. 

The purpose of the phone call is to have an open and honest discussion and work together to help resolve disruptive behaviors in the classroom. The teacher will review the SWPD model and steps taken prior to the current step.

Step 4 - Phone Call Home by Teacher and One After School Detention

Step 4 results in the same actions as Step 3, however, the consequence assigned by administration is one after school detention. The teacher will call home and have another conversation with the parent/guardian, and a referral will be entered into Skyward. At Step 4, the student and behavior will be reviewed to determine if intervention from a School Social Worker would be appropriate. If so, the student and Social Worker will meet to discuss the behaviors, as well as grades, and to establish a plan of improvement. 

Teacher and student initial the SWPD log and the teacher maintains a record of the conversation and behavior. 

Step 5 - Phone call Home by Teacher and Two After School Detentions

Step 5 will result in the same actions as Step 4, however, the consequences assigned by administration are two after school detentions. The teacher will call home and have another conversation with the parent/guardian, and a referral will be entered into Skyward. At Step 5, the student and behavior will be referred to meet with a School Social Worker.  The student and Social Worker will meet to discuss the behaviors, as well as grades, and to establish a plan of improvement. 

Teacher and student initial the SWPD log and the teacher maintains a record of the conversation and behavior. 

Step 6 - Referral to the Office and Progressive Discipline 

After Step 5 the evidence exists that the student is struggling to adjust to the expectations of the classroom. Behavior from here on will result in an office referral in Skyward and progressive discipline at the administrative level.

After a student has reached Step 6, the Data Team will review the behaviors and interventions put into place and an in-person conference will be scheduled between the team of teachers and the parent to collaborate on next steps.

Teacher and student initial the SWPD log and the teacher maintains a record of the conversation and behavior.

The Clean Slate

Students who are actively on Steps 1-5 in the SWPDM will receive a clean slate at the conclusion of the first semester.

Students who are in Step 6 will be reviewed by the School Wide Behavior Support Team (SWBST) and the Data team to review any active Tier II/III interventions currently in place and make an informed decision on whether a clean slate is an appropriate next step.

Examples of Behaviors

Academic Dishonesty

Aggressive behavior


Disruption (classroom, hallway, lunchroom)

Disrespect (towards staff or student)

Dress Code


Inappropriate Language / Profanity


Out of area / In area without supervision


Technology Violation


After School Detention

Tuesdays and Thursdays
3:20pm - 4:15pm
Activity Bus Transportation Available 

After school detention at Westmont Junior High School is a technology free zone. Students should be prepared to engage in a restorative and reflective practice in order to process the behavior and restore the harm that has been caused. Students should also be prepared with a book to read, or paper/pencil classroom tasks.