WHS News
Here are a few photos of Jonathan Halley, who is in his second year with the Chicago Bu...
This year in INCubator there are two students who love to bake. They formed ...
Join us at WHS on Saturday, December 2, from 9am-3pm for our annual craft show. We'...
Ahead of World Kindness day, we had 3 Westmont soccer players, Valdet Dalipi, Ham...
Thank you so much to everyone who donated, who supported, who encouraged NHS's West...
Check out the Nit Wits set behind Dr. Weck. Click he...
Fine Arts Jazz Night was held at WHS on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. &n...
Mr. Urlaub's Electronic Music class was getting into the Halloween spirit. Spook...
CAPAOW! (@whs_capaow), the Club of Asian and Pacific Americans of Westmont, proudly ann...
Westmont High School student, Natasha Shamarina-Ege, attended the Village of Westmont&#...
Westmont High School recognized for student success in the Advanced Placement program w...
Congratulations to Suryakumari Sista and Surya Venkataraman for being named to Sean Cas...
WHS has been named a Best High School for 2023-24 by U.S. News & World Report. ...
WHS had 61 AP Scholars with an average score of 3.26. 35 were designa...
The Westmont High School community welcomes its new head coach Lee Maciejewski. Read al...
Ms. VanErden was awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship to study th...