CAPAOW! leaders give presentation to board

Hailey Butusov, Lana Phung, and Jeremy Bautista at school board meeting.

CAPAOW! (@whs_capaow), the Club of Asian and Pacific Americans of Westmont, proudly announced the formation of a brand new project to the CUSD 201 Board of Education at their regular Board meeting. They reported their progress on the ASCEND Conference, a first-of-its-kind for Asian American students in the Chicagoland area. It will be a networking, education, cultural, and unifying event, to be held at Westmont High School on Sat, March 2, 2024 from 9a - 2p bringing together Asian American students and their friends from local high schools for a day of workshops, information, and inspiration. Save the date and tell a friend! Email for more information on the conference and on ways you can support this special, student-led event! Pictured l-r: Co Presidents Hailey Butusov and Lana Phung, Co Sponsor Jeremy Bautista